06/2016. Assembling BigShot camera
Trying to figure out how to assemble a BigShot camera for K-12 outreach

03/2016. South Butler Elementary School
Vishwa, Harry and Aswin at a K-12 outreach event

04/2017. Gelfand outreach event
Aswin and Vishwa at a Gelfand outreach event in CMU campus

05/2018. ECE commencement
Biqi receives Outstanding Woman in Engineering award at ECE commencement

03/2018. CIT Dean's Early Career Fellow
Aswin receives CIT Dean's early career fellowship

03/2018. CIT Dean's Fellowship reception

03/2018. CIT Dean's Fellowship reception

05/2018. Graduating seniors
Ani, Ethan, Biqi and Yongyi!

08/2018. Jian defends!
The first doctorate!

08/2018. Jian defends!
The first doctorate!

08/2018. Jian farewell dinner
Spirit of Aswin endures!

05/2018. Spira teaching award
Team 18-290 gets the Spira Teaching award at ECE Commencement

05/2018. Lunch with graduating seniors
Ethan, Mary, Aswin, Biqi, Yongyi and Ani

05/2018. Vishwa wins outstanding TA award

05/2018. Yongyi wins UG research award
Yongyi gets the Frank Marshall Outstanding UG Research award at ECE Commencement

07/2019. CVPR best paper award
Fermat path wins best paper award at CVPR 2019!
01/2019. Chia-Yin defends!
Aswin, Chia-Yin and Ioannis @ Chia-Yin's defense

01/2019. Chia-Yin defends!

05/2019. Chia-Yin farewell dinner!
Spirit of Aswin subtly endures

04/2019. Gelfand outreach event
Explaining 3D perception and displays

10/2019. Students and alum at ICCV 2019
Chia-Yin, Byeongjoo and Vishwa in Seoul

02/2019. Kuldeep farewell dinner!

05/2019. PhD hooding
First class of graduating phd students: Harry, Chia-Yin, and Jian

12/2019. Farewell lunch for Shigeki and Bhargav

02/2020. Jian swings by...
to buy lunch for Aswin!

05/2021. Best paper award at ICCP 2021
Celebration of Anqi's ICCP best paper award.

08/2021. Farewell to Krishna

09/2021. Farewell to Vijay...
who joins META as a research scientist.

08/2022. Best paper award at ICCP 2022

11/2022. Thanksgiving at Aswin's place
Spirit of Aswin transparently endures.

05/2022. Wanted!

05/2022. Farewell to Carlos
...who joins Rice as a PhD student.
05/2022. Graduating PhD students
Rick and Vishwa hooded!

06/2022. With Big Boss Rama!
Yi and Jian run into Rama at CVPR 2022

01/2023. Yi defends!

05/2023. Farewell to Wei Chen
05/2023. Yi gets hooded as a doctorate!
05/2023. Commencement Why is Rick still here?

06/2023. Alum at CVPR!
Jian, Harry, Chia-Yin and Rick: ISL 1-2-3-4!

06/2023. CVPR group dinner!

08/2023. Six and Four.

08/2023. Best paper award at SIGGRAPH.

08/2023. Wei-Yu at SIGGRAPH's ETech, demoing the VR display

08/2023. Zero and One. The fun of having alums!

12/2023. ISL #07. Wei-Yu defends!

12/2023. Friends of Wei-Yu at defense

12/2023. ISL #08. Byeongjoo defends!

12/2023. Friends of Byeongjoo at his defense

05/2024. Commencement ceremony. Wei-Yu, Byeongjoo and Michael graduate!

06/2024. Alumni meeting at CVPR!

06/2024. Anqi defends! Here with her committee!

06/2024. Group rubbing it in that Aswin has not been promoted yet!